
One of the activities that Lyn has done with her speech therapist is to maintain a scrapbook.  Her scrapbook contains pictures, ticket stubs, brochures from places visited as well as a sentence about each item.

I recently spent a chunk of time looking for a picture of my sister that I remembered from a Spring visit a few years ago.  I had forgotten about her scrapbook and was reminded of it when I called Mom to see if she had the picture for which I was looking.  Mom knew of the picture but wasn't sure exactly where it was at the moment.  She turned to Lyn and asked if she happened to know.  Of course!  It was in her scrapbook.

Lyn hastened to her room and pulled out the scrapbook along with the 3 photo albums she maintains.  She flipped to the pages and pulled them out.  Mom scanned them and sent them to me.

Lyn has never let me see her scrapbook.  She has only let me look at one of her photo albums once or twice.  She treasures her photos and frequently looks through them.  She's also been known to rearrange the pictures time and time again.  She has lent me pictures from one of the albums, pictures that she picked and removed.  I was allowed to scan them for use here before returning them to her.

This however, is a bit different.  This image delighted me when I got it in my In Box.  This is a great example of my sister's work.  She would have decided what she wanted to say and asked her therapist to help her spell the words.  When she's working very hard to make sure the words are right, she first puts them down in pencil and then traces that in marker as you can see here.

As Lyn learned to write, she would usually turn to Mom for help.  Mom spent many hours drafting the words Lyn wanted to say in dots or short dashes.  Lyn could then connect the dots to complete the letter.  It didn't matter if Lyn was writing "Happy Birthday" or "Feel better."  Every word was approached in this manner.  There came a time when Mom no longer had to dot out the letters.  Instead, she could call out each letter in slow succession as Lyn wrote them down.   This is what allowed Lyn to help write the week's grocery list, a task she was proud of when she could do it.

There are some words she eventually learned to spell on her own.  She can spell her first name and my last name.  She can write "I love you"and usually does so without punctuation.  Punctuation, after all, is optional to Lyn.


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