Left Eye

No, this blog post isn't titled after one of the singers from group TLC.  It looks like Lyn's left eye is problematic and needs to be checked again.  Mom writes:

"Over the last several days I've heard her say "I can't see that" but I basically ignored her because it seemed I heard this when her glasses were off for whatever reason.  Well, we're watching National Geographic with her glasses on.  In a most distressed voice, she said she couldn't see.  It wasn't that simple or quick a statement.  Took about 2 minutes before she got it out.  Her glasses were on and she was pointing to the left eye.  My heart sank.  No, she doesn't know how long this has been going on.  She evidently is having trouble seeing the tv which is less than 10 ft away."

Lyn has a doctor's appointment on Friday and Mom will mention the vision difficulties.  Perhaps they'll do a quick check using the vision charge.


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