
Thanksgiving would not be complete without turkey.  Thanksgiving with Lyn would not be complete without her helping pick the carcass after dinner.  She worked hard and did her best.

I don't know if she'll help pick this year's turkey breast clean.  I'll find that out soon.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your time with us this past year.  We appreciate your words of support, the virtual hugs we've received and the stories you've shared in the comments or directly with us.  We are honored you take time out of your week to read the posts here at DBD and we are glad to be of any assistance when dementia touches someone in your life.

From my family to yours, we hope today is a day filled with good food and peaceful moments.  May you put your feet up and enjoy a good cup of tea or glass of wine.  May you smile and, at the end of the day, may you feel it was a day well spent.


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