
Over the years, my family has had a number of dogs. The dogs have been good with Lyn and she is gentle with them. While the dogs would romp with the rest of us, they consistently sit near her pretty calmly and let her pet them. We see the same behavior with my dogs who don't live with her. Even my bouncy 2 year old, still a puppy at 100 lbs, Bernese Mountain Dog responds to her with attentive gentleness. We've always said dogs could tell that she was different

There was Zeus the black Peek-a-Poo, Baby May the fawn Pit Bull, Mojo the fawn Pit Bull, Thor the third fawn Pit Bull, Trouble the little black mutt, Daphne the Springer Spaniel and Brutus the black Lab/Dane. Finally, there was Griz. Griz was a red Aussie.

Griz came to Mom and Lyn from my Mom's brother. When Griz was weaned from his mother and old enough to be placed elsewhere, Mom and Lyn were ready for him. Griz was a bumbling ball of fuzz when they got him. As with all puppies, he was cute, cuddly and chewed on everything. As Griz grew and his personality came out more, he and Lyn developed a relationship she didn't have with any of the previous dogs she'd loved. There was just something special in this relationship.

Griz was a vocal dog. He'd carry on whole conversations with you. When you got home, he'd tell you about his day. When he wanted a treat, he'd let you know in no uncertain terms. When he got to talking, he'd talk more to her than to anyone else. The more he talked the her, the more she'd get to laughing. When she laughed, he had to get the last word. Griz would get her laughing to the point of crying on a regular basis.

Griz passed away last year. Lyn declared "No more dogs! I can't do it." She's stuck to that for the past year. She loves dogs. She loved Griz most of all. No other dog will do for her.


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