
Lyn's sleep patterns have been changing for the past several months. 

She used to sleep about 8 hours a night, 10 if she was exhausted from several straight days of activity.  Some days, she would take an hour nap as well.  Now, she's sleeping 11 or 12 hours a day, more if she's exhausted.  Naps have become more frequent and have increased up to 4 hours a day.  Mom says is it not unusual for Lyn to sleep 16 or more hours a day now.

One of the things doctors look at when trying to diagnose dementia is depression.  The need to rule it out because depression can produce symptoms that are similar to dementia such as changes in sleep patterns, forgetfulness and a disregard for personal safety or hygeine.  Depression has been ruled out as a factor in Lyn's case.

Mom has to take Lyn in for an EEG next week as part of all the lab work being done before they get to meet the neurologist.  The folks who will be doing Lyn's EEG have asked that she come in having had no more than 3 hours of sleep the night before the test.  They also don't want her to have caffiene for 48 hours before the test.  The hope is that they'll get her hooked up for the EEG and comfortable.  Then, because she's sleep deprived, they want her to fall asleep.  They have explained that if she's asleep and if her brain is experiencing abnormal activity that it is more likely to do it and it is easier to record while she's sleeping.

I honestly wish I was there to help keep Lyn awake.  Maybe Lyn's respite provider can come and drive them to the EEG because they'll both be worn out.  I need to remember to make that suggestion to Mom.


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