An End to an Era

Lyn has decided that she no longer wants to bowl competitively.  She is ceasing all Special Olympics activities after nearly 37 years.  She cannot deal with the noise, distraction and confusion that bowling on the league causes her any longer.

This is her decision and her idea.  She's been working her way up to this for some time.  She will continue to bowl once a week with her respite provider.  They will just go to a bowling aloe where the Special Olympians are not practicing.

I am glad to know that she'll keep the physical activity.  She needs it.

Her time in Special Olympics has defined a huge portion of her life.  It has allowed her to achieve, succeed and be proud of herself.  She's met so many friends through Special Olympics.  She's earned hundreds of ribbons and metals.  She's given the opening and closing invocations at the various games.  She's strutted her stuff and she's even been the first female pentathlete in New Mexico.

There's a part of me that's sad that she's stepping away from her competitive life.  However, I can honor her decision to do so.  If she's not happy bowling with the other athletes any longer, then why do it?  Why force it?  She'd just be miserable.

It has been a good, long run and her last competition earned her another gold.  We will always be proud of Lyn and her time in Special Olympics.


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