Mad at Cliffs

There's an amusement park in Albuquerque called Cliff's.  It was known as Uncle Cliff's when we were kids.  Yesterday, Lyn got mad at Cliff's.  Here's the story as Mom relayed it to me.

"Lyn woke up on her own at 6:30.  She was so excited that the day hab staff had passes for them to go to (uncle) Cliff's today.  She kept telling me that she didn't need $$ to get in.  

After Mass, we ran back here to pick up our neighbor so she and I could run a couple of errands after dropping Lyn off.  On the way to day hab, she must have told us 5 times that they were going to Cliff's and didn't have to pay to get in.  Then, she announced she would rather go shopping with us.  I told her we really weren't going shopping; just running a couple of errands.  I reminded her that they were going to have fun at Cliff's.  So once again, she told us how the staff had passes.  Our neighbor said it sounded like more fun than running errands.  When she got out, she muttered something about having lots of fun.

Her new respite provider picked her up at day hab about 2:30.  They came home so Lyn could shower and change.  I could tell as she came thru the door that she was upset.  I foolishly asked how her day was.  OMG, her tone was one of pure anger.  Seems they drove over to Cliff's only to find out it wasn't open to the public yet.  She was furious.  I told her to go ahead and get her bath.  Half way down the hall she came back to tell me that it wasn't open to the public yet.  I told her to go bathe.

Her respite provider said she had spent the time coming home all but ranting about the day being bad.  I said I was sorry but that's what happens now.  She didn't understand.  I told her that as the dementia progresses Lyn will obsess more and more like this and we have to do whatever we can to distract.  When they left, I told Lyn to stop talking about it because we can't do anything about today.  If she was going to keep fussing about Cliff's she would just stay home.  She gave me The Look and then an OK.  She went out the door happy."


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