Weekly Clothing

I've mentioned previously that Lyn really understands layering clothes.  With the onset of warm weather, you would think that this skill can be relaxed a bit in practice, but you'd be wrong.

During winter months, Lyn wears a tee shirt, a sweatshirt and sweatpants at night.  During the day, she wears two layered shirts and jeans.  Each week, she goes through an average of a dozen pairs of socks and underwear.  She changes both each time she changes her clothes.

Summer is a little bit better.  She will wear one shirt during the daytime.  However, at night, she may add a sweatshirt to her sweat pants and tee shirt nightwear if she feels any sort of a breeze.  To Lyn, a breeze means that it is cold out.  She goes through the same amount of under garments in warm weather as she does during cold weather.  Functionally, this means that Lyn generates three loads of laundry on her own.

Even with the heat the oxygen condenser generates, Lyn's pattern is not changing.


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